Monday, January 25, 2010

A "Man"'s Last Stand... this campaign from Dodge. (Did they take a government handout? That would be a sissy-ass contradiction.) No matter. These are :30 second one-shots with at least a couple of voice-over versions...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Very Latest in the Doltish Dad Genre...

....of course when in the post-feminist era has a commercial shown Dad as anyone but a doltish fall guy? (Unless, of course he is portrayed as an evil matricider per below).

Here is another that has all the key elements.

Open on self-impressed Doltish Dad setting himself for The Fall as Smart Put-Together Mom is regaling her friends with her good economic judgment and common sense when, ta-daaaa!, in jumps Doltish Dad number 40,394.

By the way, why does the human psyche find pain and suffering so intrinsically funny? Professor Herbert Lamont from whom I took Humanities and Western Civilization at West L.A. College has observed, along with many others, that humor is essentially hostile.

Anthropologists have theoretically traced laughter and smiling to the baring of teeth in early primates and other mammals in an aggressively excited state, e.g. attacking prey or defending territory.

"Heavy stuff" as Professor Lamont would have observed.

But, to be fair, this spot is really quite funny, as in just plain funny. Grrrr!!