Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Familiar Vehicle...

The word "misogynist" came up the other night as I was chatting with my Mother about Tiger, specifically, some remarks he made in a GQ article. I wouldn't say that even the randy 21 year old in the interview was misygonist, although my sister had described him as such to my Mother.

"Misogynist" is not a synonym for sexist, but has come into that usage, it seems. Another example of term-expansion and a general dumbing down of the subtleties of the English language to fit our social needs, fears and desires.

All sexism is not specifically misogynist. All misogyny is sexist by definition, of course. Tiger would more accurately be described as philogynist, from whose root also springs "philander", unless I am woefully mistaken.

Nobody complains about humor being misandrist. In fact, my spell check does not even recognize the word. Yet misandrist humor is quite pervasive and on the rise. I am reminded of a joke regaling the dozen or ways that a cucumber is more useful than a penis that has been sent my way occassionally.

But I digress.

The clip above could legitimately be described as misogynist in the stereotypes that it invokes as well as the predictable outcome it portrays. I found it mildly funny while not particularly offensive. Perhaps this is the real "get me out of here" vehicle alluded to in the Dodge Charger ad above.